Well, after some server upgrades and switching around at the host all Resilient posts stopped going automatically to our social media pages – Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Hopefully this is now repaired and our posts will be spread far and
Helping employees after an incident: traumatic stress reactions – looking under the surface
Business as usual does not commence once an incident is over and business processes are running normally: the impacts on employees may just be starting. Dr Liz Royle provides some guidance on this difficult area… Following a potentially traumatic incident in the workplace such as a sudden death, serious accident, violence or ‘near-miss’, the responsibility […]
Tips for evaluating a business continuity as a service provider
Business continuity as a service (BCaaS) is an emerging trend in the market. Steve Dance looks at what BCaaS is and what questions you should ask any potential business continuity as a service provider.
Crisis preparedness and its impact on shareholder value
Robert McAllister looks at the ways that crises can damage the three components of shareholder value and describes the crisis prevention and preparation steps that organizations can take to ensure resiliency. All commercial organizations operating in the digital era exist within a challenging landscape. Underlying trust is weak; expectations of good, transparent governance are high; […]
Five steps to a successful business continuity program
ResilientBCM.com – Keeping the ball in play. Sometimes complicated technical approaches get in the way of progress says Bryan Weisbard, CPA, CFE. In this article, he sets out five steps for creating a practical, strategic business continuity program. Read the article.
ISO 22316 organizational resilience standard now available
ISO’s Technical Committee ISO/TC 292 has published its latest security and resilience international standard, ISO 22316:2017, ‘Organizational resilience. Principles and attributes’. This short standard, with just ten pages of content, establishes the principles for organizational resilience and identifies the attributes and activities that support an organization in enhancing its resilience. ISO 22316 defines organizational resilience […]
Revamping the business continuity profession
Charlie Maclean Bristol, FBCI, FEPS, looks at the current challenges facing business continuity managers; explains why traditional business continuity practices are becoming less relevant; and provides some positive ideas for how the profession can develop its role. In my opinion, business continuity has lost its mojo over the last couple of years, and many in […]
Resilient Business Continuity Management Spreads its Wings
ResilientBCM – Keeping the ball in play 09 January 2017 Resilient partners and Planning Associates Pat Curran and Tor Fosnæs are pleased to announce a new service that builds on ResilientBCM’s business continuity offerings – ISO 9001:2015 internal auditing. Tor
New York City appoints Director of Recovery and Resiliency
ResilientBCM.com – Keeping the ball in play New York Mayor, Bill de Blasio, has announced the appointment of Jainey Bavishi as the Director of the Office of Recovery and Resiliency. Bavishi will lead the City’s OneNYC resiliency program, preparing the city for the impacts of climate change and other 21st century threats. She also will […]
What if I told you that business continuity management could be dying?
ResilientBCM.com – Keeping the ball in play. The business world has changed, but has business continuity kept up? Paul Kudray challenges the business continuity profession to take a long, hard, look in the mirror. To most readers the headline of this article will cause a sharp intake of breath and a great deal of angst. […]