While business impact analysis (BIA) is seen by many as the backbone of any business continuity management system (BCMS) it is lacking a formal methodology. Here, Alberto G. Alexander, Ph.D, MBCI, details nine methodological steps for developing a BIA and discusses information gathering methods and BIA project management aspects.
Many British boards uninformed and unprepared for cyber incidents
Undertaken in the wake of recent high profile cyber attacks, the survey of the UK’s biggest 350 companies found more than two thirds of boards had not received training to deal with a cyber incident (68 percent) despite more than half saying cyber threats were a top risk to their business (54 percent). Wonder what […]
Sri Lanka considers ‘area business continuity management plans’ for disaster prone regions
The Sri Lankan government is considering encouraging public and private sector organizations to collaborate on ‘area business continuity management plans’ in areas of the country at high risk of natural disasters.
Helping employees after an incident: traumatic stress reactions – looking under the surface
Business as usual does not commence once an incident is over and business processes are running normally: the impacts on employees may just be starting. Dr Liz Royle provides some guidance on this difficult area… Following a potentially traumatic incident in the workplace such as a sudden death, serious accident, violence or ‘near-miss’, the responsibility […]
Welcome back to social media ResilientBCM
A great snap of the Gaze from the Downs, Ferryland, NL ResilientBCM is back in the social media Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn check regularly for posts.
ResilientBCM back in the social media whirl
Well, after some server upgrades and switching around at the host all Resilient posts stopped going automatically to our social media pages – Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Hopefully this is now repaired and our posts will be spread far and
Helping employees after an incident: traumatic stress reactions – looking under the surface
Business as usual does not commence once an incident is over and business processes are running normally: the impacts on employees may just be starting. Dr Liz Royle provides some guidance on this difficult area… Following a potentially traumatic incident in the workplace such as a sudden death, serious accident, violence or ‘near-miss’, the responsibility […]
Tips for evaluating a business continuity as a service provider
Business continuity as a service (BCaaS) is an emerging trend in the market. Steve Dance looks at what BCaaS is and what questions you should ask any potential business continuity as a service provider.
Crisis preparedness and its impact on shareholder value
Robert McAllister looks at the ways that crises can damage the three components of shareholder value and describes the crisis prevention and preparation steps that organizations can take to ensure resiliency. All commercial organizations operating in the digital era exist within a challenging landscape. Underlying trust is weak; expectations of good, transparent governance are high; […]
Five steps to a successful business continuity program
ResilientBCM.com – Keeping the ball in play. Sometimes complicated technical approaches get in the way of progress says Bryan Weisbard, CPA, CFE. In this article, he sets out five steps for creating a practical, strategic business continuity program. Read the article.